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 Helping the reality managers.

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Helping the reality managers. Empty
PostSubject: Helping the reality managers.   Helping the reality managers. Icon_minitimeSat 23 Jun - 13:48

heres one.

i think weve probably all noticed the reality managers seem to be struggling to pick up players and consequently move their sides forward.

big offers for the likes of Evra,Carroll and the like have been rebuffed, not because their not good offers. 49m for andy carroll is a blinding offer but hes just too important to the clubs future but paul isnt to know that.

looking at the perm bids list, does it seem that their setting their sights a little too high ie: targetting players that we dont want to really ever let go unless its for a truly truly huge player plus deal.

To help paul is it worth creating a little section on here that we can add to of players within our squads that we would consider letting go.

for me the likes of: Bent, Pienaar,Dempsey,Cuellar,Pantsil,Mcmanus,Ferdinand and maybe gervinho could all be considered if a decent / interesting offer came in.

however the likes of Carroll,robben,valencia,skrtel and jags are pretty much off limits unless its a truly special offer.

players that arnt specifically listed for sale but ones that if an interesting offer came in would fair a lot better chance of getting accepted.

maybe it would be possible paul could add something that gets put next to a players name that informs him as to how we value that player within our sqaud.

ie I = indespensible
L = could leave for the right price

nothing that will effect the players morale just a tool for paul to use to give reality managers a better chance of obtaining players.


is it possible for reality mangers to read our players sqaud history? ie can they see that say Piennar has a attitude of 1st 90% and has only played say 50% of his last 10 games and so obviously is in and out of the managers plans and so is more likely to consider an offer on.

maybe realty managers could given slightly bigger pots of gold to operate with and make bigger offers for our young talents.

i noticed this or last week Asamoah Gyan left jaimie and went some where like dortmand.

would it not be possible that a reality side like say norwich, derby or palace who are say sporting someone like Rica Prada or Darius Vassell could just automatically snap him up just to try and keep the competion and realsim of england up / or to keep an english eligable player of use over here.

just some ideas iv had rattling around i thought id put onto paper so to speak - please dismiss at will lol. Smile
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World Star - 99/99
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Helping the reality managers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping the reality managers.   Helping the reality managers. Icon_minitimeSat 23 Jun - 20:26

Great idea. If Paul can implement it, think it could work really well!
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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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Helping the reality managers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping the reality managers.   Helping the reality managers. Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jun - 8:23

What you can now do is flag a player as UNAVAILABLE for reality manager bids, so that should achieve the same goal. Good idea Will.
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