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 Whats the tactic that.......

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PostSubject: Whats the tactic that.......   Whats the tactic that....... Icon_minitimeSat 21 Jul - 11:04

allows me to win every week?

Rob? what are u using lol!!

ok joking aside does anyone know the tactic that lines up with

LW TM RW ? is there one or have i just dreamt that up?
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PostSubject: Re: Whats the tactic that.......   Whats the tactic that....... Icon_minitimeSat 21 Jul - 11:14

Erm....i don't know, TM is the creator so i assuming you must have a forward to aim at. I'm fucked this turn and probably handind Tom top spot as i have no PM as both are injured you could'nt make it up.
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PostSubject: Re: Whats the tactic that.......   Whats the tactic that....... Icon_minitimeSat 21 Jul - 11:31

yer your right,

i can do that with FLY, LW CF TM RW

but after the newsletter announced that full backs get about 3-4 bites at the wingers im less convinced thats the way forwrd.

Robben had to beat lukaku 4 times every time he got the ball out wide?

for the best part of 20 years i always thought there was more space on a field of play out in the wide areas lol!!! thatll explain why i never made it then Crying or Very sad

oh gaz u could have had pienaar off me hed have done u a treat as a creative force.

still avaialable despite signing a new contract - thatll learn him!!
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Whats the tactic that....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whats the tactic that.......   Whats the tactic that....... Icon_minitimeSat 21 Jul - 13:47

Gaz@Chelsea wrote:
Erm....i don't know, TM is the creator so i assuming you must have a forward to aim at. I'm fucked this turn and probably handind Tom top spot as i have no PM as both are injured you could'nt make it up.


Although I am playing my old nemisis.... Evil or Very Mad
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Whats the tactic that.......   Whats the tactic that....... Icon_minitimeSat 21 Jul - 15:33

The BAR tactic uses no focal point up front. It's LW TM RW but I think the wingers can act as strikers in it plus the TM can sometimes act as a CF. Too confusing for me as it also has 2 PM's and an AM so the creative point moves around. Spain anyone?

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World Star - 99/99
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Whats the tactic that....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whats the tactic that.......   Whats the tactic that....... Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jul - 9:37

Am trying BAR in friendlies at the moment - seems quite useful to be honest (although I know Jamie struggled with this previously) - has anyone heard from Paul btw??
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