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 France - Run in

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3 posters

Title Winners?
France - Run in  Vote_lcap86%France - Run in  Vote_rcap
 86% [ 6 ]
France - Run in  Vote_lcap0%France - Run in  Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
France - Run in  Vote_lcap14%France - Run in  Vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
France - Run in  Vote_lcap0%France - Run in  Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 7

World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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France - Run in  Empty
PostSubject: France - Run in    France - Run in  Icon_minitimeSat 18 May - 17:05

Auxerre (H)
Marseille (A)
St Etienne (A)
Toulouse (H)
Bordeaux (H)
St Etienne (H)
Lens (H)

Monaco (H)
Cannes (A)
Nantes (H)
Paris (A)
Lens (H)
Nantes (A)
Marseille (A)

Lens (H)
Paris (A)
Lyon (A)
Monaco (H)
Cannes (H)
Lyon (H)
Toulouse (A)

Cannes (A)
Nantes (H)
Lens (A)
Lyon (H)
Monaco (A)
Lens (H)
Bordeaux (A)
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Location : Nottingham

France - Run in  Empty
PostSubject: Re: France - Run in    France - Run in  Icon_minitimeSat 18 May - 17:08

Honestly only see Phil winning this league, easiest of the run-ins by a long way, plus 5 out of 7 at home!!!
Played the other 3 big boys twice already and leads the league.

Lyon to play Nantes twice still, Paris to play both Nantes and Lyon too, so points will be dropped elsewhere.

Phil has done really well so far to be leading after playing the games he has.
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World Star - 99/99
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Age : 39

France - Run in  Empty
PostSubject: Re: France - Run in    France - Run in  Icon_minitimeTue 21 May - 11:17

Tbh I would be surprised if Phil lost a game from now till the end of the season.
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World Star - 99/99
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France - Run in  Empty
PostSubject: Re: France - Run in    France - Run in  Icon_minitimeTue 21 May - 12:04

No pressure then ?

Would be great to win the French title with lille.
A lot of recent results have to been down to Wesley sniedjer who ive very pleased to have captured.
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France - Run in
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