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 World Cup Semi-Finals

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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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World Cup Semi-Finals Empty
PostSubject: World Cup Semi-Finals   World Cup Semi-Finals Icon_minitimeWed 6 Apr - 0:38

World Cup semi-Finals are to be played this week and will be

Germany vs Brazil ( Rob vs Andy )
England vs France ( Ben vs Rich )

World Youth Cup

England vs Italy ( Tom vs Rob ) 
Spain vs Belgium ( JohnSimmons vs JohnHorrocks )

South American Cup

Mexico vs Chile ( Phil vs Ben )
Paraquay vs Colombia ( Tom vs Rich )

it would appear that I forgot to set the World Cup semi-final scout reports to automatic, or if I didnt forget I did it and it did nt work as none of the 4 world cup semi-finalists received scout reports on their opponents, but it appears everybody else did.
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World Cup Semi-Finals
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