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 Season 26 Week 20 processing...

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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jun - 9:46

Welcome to week 20, only 3 games left of this our anniversary season.

The reset is underway...
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jun - 9:51

A slight improvement to the new messaging system, any deals that are agreed via the new system ( ie come through my account here on the forum ) no longer have to be confirmed on your order sheet.

But please make sure if you are buying somebody that you let me have any contract details else the system will use a default contract ( 88weeks @ defaultwage and £150,000 signonfee ).
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jun - 12:52

Have you found some way to automate these deals then? Clever boy!
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 7:10

Data entry underway...
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 9:35

I've noticed that the number of available backroom staff without jobs has reached zero in game one, which means there will be much more poaching happening again, so make sure your backroom guys are under secure contract else you may well start to lose them.
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 9:35

I've noticed that the number of available backroom staff without jobs has reached zero in game one, which means there will be much more poaching happening again, so make sure your backroom guys are under secure contract else you may well start to lose them.
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 9:43

Quite a few big transfers this week, looks like Xhaka may be joining Plymouth, Kante may well be joining Nantes, Chamberlain may be joining Villa's revolution and Schalke look like they are on the verge of signing Hector, just some of the deals looking to complete this week.
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 11:22

Paul Hemmings wrote:
I've noticed that the number of available backroom staff without jobs has reached zero in game one, which means there will be much more poaching happening again, so make sure your backroom guys are under secure contract else you may well start to lose them.
Paul,I assume it's still possible to bring new back room staff into the game?
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 13:32

Is it sign-on amounts that make them secure, or wages, or both?
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 13:46

there is 2 parts to poaching staff, secure weeks and signingonfee, when a staff member first signs on he will be given a secure contract of 24, 44 or 88 weeks and any signingonfee is stored for future use.

staff on secure contracts cannot be poached under normal circumstances, but some may retire.

once his initial contract winds down to SEC=0 ( shown on the non-playing staff NS report ) he can be poached but only if the poaching club offer a bigger signingonfee than you did when you first employed him.

if you want to re-secure a member of your backroom staff then you can REHIRE them giving them a new secure contract and increasing their signingonfee by both amounts ( existing + new ) so making it harder for other clubs to poach the staff member.
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 13:49

You dont have to wait until SEC=0 before using the REHIRE dealing, REHIRE can be used any time but there is no priority on backroom staff it is just whomever offers the bigger signonfee.

wages are used to calc how effective backroom staff are.
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 15:03

Thanks for that Paul.

Is there a way to tell if a current np staff member, say a LW coach, would be just as effective as say a DY coach?

So, for instance, we could REHIRE them in a different role?

Like I say, we'd need to know what roles this one particular np staff member could fulfill....

...maybe the INVESTIGATE dealing?
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 15:10

Also, sorry to be a pain but, is it possible to display an applicants 'secured' status on the Non-Playing Staff Job Applicants list? Could go alongside the club number....

It's pretty annoying to go for an applicant only to be told he's not available! Why did he apply in the first place?
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:12

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Thanks for that Paul.

Is there a way to tell if a current np staff member, say a LW coach, would be just as effective as say a DY coach?

So, for instance, we could REHIRE them in a different role?

Like I say, we'd need to know what roles this one particular np staff member could fulfill....

...maybe the INVESTIGATE dealing?

effectiveness depends on wages, so if you pay them enough theyshould be able to get to 100% irrespective of the job you rehire them to do. When you change jobs you may have to pay them more or less to remain at 100%, you can say REHIRE at 100% and the system can then work out the wage needed for you.
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:13

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Also, sorry to be a pain but, is it possible to display an applicants 'secured' status on the Non-Playing Staff Job Applicants list? Could go alongside the club number....

It's pretty annoying to go for an applicant only to be told he's not available! Why did he apply in the first place?

just checked this and found an issue with applicants pulling out, as you say after they have applied. should be okay from now on.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:15

Rob@Inter wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
I've noticed that the number of available backroom staff without jobs has reached zero in game one, which means there will be much more poaching happening again, so make sure your backroom guys are under secure contract else you may well start to lose them.
Paul,I assume it's still possible to bring new back room staff into the game?

if you mean real life coaches, then yes if they were also players in their day or they are well known specialists like motivation coaches or such.
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:22

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Thanks for that Paul.

Is there a way to tell if a current np staff member, say a LW coach, would be just as effective as say a DY coach?

So, for instance, we could REHIRE them in a different role?

Like I say, we'd need to know what roles this one particular np staff member could fulfill....

...maybe the INVESTIGATE dealing?

effectiveness depends on wages, so if you pay them enough theyshould be able to get to 100% irrespective of the job you rehire them to do. When you change jobs you may have to pay them more or less to remain at 100%, you can say REHIRE at 100% and the system can then work out the wage needed for you.

Can we say REHIRE at 110% for Stars?
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:30

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Also, sorry to be a pain but, is it possible to display an applicants 'secured' status on the Non-Playing Staff Job Applicants list? Could go alongside the club number....

It's pretty annoying to go for an applicant only to be told he's not available! Why did he apply in the first place?

just checked this and found an issue with applicants pulling out, as you say after they have applied. should be okay from now on.

Great, thanks...
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:40

Pre-league games are underway...league games will most likely kickoff wednesday, time to follow...
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:42

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Thanks for that Paul.

Is there a way to tell if a current np staff member, say a LW coach, would be just as effective as say a DY coach?

So, for instance, we could REHIRE them in a different role?

Like I say, we'd need to know what roles this one particular np staff member could fulfill....

...maybe the INVESTIGATE dealing?

effectiveness depends on wages, so if you pay them enough theyshould be able to get to 100% irrespective of the job you rehire them to do. When you change jobs you may have to pay them more or less to remain at 100%, you can say REHIRE at 100% and the system can then work out the wage needed for you.

Can we say REHIRE at 110% for Stars?

REHIRE 100% would be 110% for stars, the extra 10% is added automatically by the system whether you want it or not.
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 16:50

REHIRE 100% would be 110% for stars, the extra 10% is added automatically by the system whether you want it or not.

Cheers mate, thanks for the answers.....

...just for completeness, what IS the difference between a star rating of 200 and 900?
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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 18:06

Andy@Schalke wrote:
REHIRE 100% would be 110% for stars, the extra 10% is added automatically by the system whether you want it or not.

Cheers mate, thanks for the answers.....

...just for completeness, what IS the difference between a star rating of 200 and 900?

nothing yet, something for the future.
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jun - 20:00

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Quite a few big transfers this week, looks like Xhaka may be joining Plymouth, Kante may well be joining Nantes, Chamberlain may be joining Villa's revolution and Schalke look like they are on the verge of signing Hector, just some of the deals looking to complete this week.

Delighted to finally get hold of a top AM for Nantes!!!
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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeWed 22 Jun - 6:54

League games will kickoff at 1000 hours this morning...

African Champions Final
Marrakesh 0 Accra 1

Confederations Cup Final
Cosmos 1 Harrisburg 0

Champions Cup Final
Inter 1 Plymouth 0

European Cup Winners Cup Final
Cologne 0 Gornik 3

European Cup Final
Stuttgart 0 Parma 1

Europa Cup Final
Roma 4 Berlin 1

Fairs Cup Final
Auxerre 0 Hamburg 4

Intertoto Cup Final
Viking 3 Everton 1

Copa Libertadores
Sao Paulo 3 Boca 1
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 20 processing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 20 processing...   Season 26 Week 20 processing... Icon_minitimeWed 22 Jun - 6:59

I think the bonus system needs a slight tweak, most people seem to know how the current system works and understand that the amount you assign to each bonus is paid out to first team players under certain circumstances.

Except where the NG next game bonus is concerned, people still forget that bonus is shared between your first18, so I am changing the way NG bonus works and bringing it into line with the other bonuses.

As from next week the amount you assign to NG bonus will be paid to EACH player in your first18. It will still be reset to zero at the start of each week.

NG now applies to league games only and NC will be used for cup games.
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