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 Season 26 Week 24 processing...

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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 2 Sep - 14:46

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Tom@Charlton wrote:
Like the increased penalties, will cause a few headaches I think!!!

That is as high as the handicaps can go, cant turn it up any more. And it now includes players who dont play anywhere, financial security and attitude one players who are not being treated as expected.

Don't forget paying attitude one players £150,000 or more a week will change MOST of them into attitude two players and they will be happy to sit on the bench for that sort of money each week, they wont happily play in the reserves though. So you could have 18 attitude one players happily toiling away in your squad of 25. Most 99s and 97s are attitude one but some revert to attitude nine when they pass 30 years of age.

Have I missed a post somewhere re 'Increased Penalties for att 1 players'?
Could somebody point it out to me please?

there are no increased penalties but the attitude one handicap is now included in the calculation of team effectiveness, previously it was included but ineffective.

Quick question then...

Are attitude 1 players satisfied with playing a cup game instead of a league game?
Also, if said players are satisfied with a cup game, will they moan if they also play in the reserves that same week?
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 2 Sep - 16:51

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Tom@Charlton wrote:
Like the increased penalties, will cause a few headaches I think!!!

That is as high as the handicaps can go, cant turn it up any more. And it now includes players who dont play anywhere, financial security and attitude one players who are not being treated as expected.

Don't forget paying attitude one players £150,000 or more a week will change MOST of them into attitude two players and they will be happy to sit on the bench for that sort of money each week, they wont happily play in the reserves though. So you could have 18 attitude one players happily toiling away in your squad of 25. Most 99s and 97s are attitude one but some revert to attitude nine when they pass 30 years of age.

Have I missed a post somewhere re 'Increased Penalties for att 1 players'?
Could somebody point it out to me please?

there are no increased penalties but the attitude one handicap is now included in the calculation of team effectiveness, previously it was included but ineffective.

Quick question then...

Are attitude 1 players satisfied with playing a cup game instead of a league game?
Also, if said players are satisfied with a cup game, will they moan if they also play in the reserves that same week?

In addition to the last question above...

Do moaners that are in the Yth/Dev acads affect the Squad Effectiveness %age?
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 2 Sep - 17:54

squad effectiveness is calculated from 3 things

1) players that are not picked to start in one of your teams that week and are not at an academy and are not on the transfer list do upset the effectiveness of all other players.
2) overdrawn finances worries players and adversely effects effectiveness.
3) attitude one players who are not playing in your first11 will also adversely hurt effectiveness.

there are 2 ways of organising your squad,

1) pick your best 11 attitude one players and play them each week in your league team then on cup weeks you can swap them to your cup team and rest them from the league game if you want, but most players can play 2 ninety minute games per week, you just take a chance on extra time. so you could just choose your best 11 and play them regardless, just resting the older players and/or dynamoes occasionally. this is the way a lot of managers do it cos they dont have many attitude one players.

2) if you have more than 11 top players then you need to rotate them, making sure each plays in your first team as often as possible, a few managers do this cos they have plenty of top players. it is worth noting with this method that an attitude one player just wants to play in a first team each week, that team could be your league side, your cup side, or his international side, if this happens most weeks he wont become too unhappy, but may not be super happy like the guy that plays week in week out. leaving players out for extended periods ( more than a week ) will upset them and may even prevent them from signing new contracts if their current one runs out. Once their morale gets low enough ( i think its poor ) they will start to effect other players who may well be playing. so the effect builds up over time.

generally speaking most players in an academy of some sort will be happy however you treat them but not all just depends on the player, some are just moaners by nature.

Last edited by Paul Hemmings on Sat 3 Sep - 6:58; edited 1 time in total
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 2 Sep - 18:12

Paul Hemmings wrote:
squad effectiveness is calculated from 3 things

1) players that are not picked to start in one of your teams that week and are not at an academy upset the effectiveness of all other players.

Am I right in thinking this doesn't include anyone on the transfer list?  ie If they are listed, you can leave them out of all teams without them upsetting the effectiveness?
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 3 Sep - 6:57

Tom@Charlton wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
squad effectiveness is calculated from 3 things

1) players that are not picked to start in one of your teams that week and are not at an academy upset the effectiveness of all other players.

Am I right in thinking this doesn't include anyone on the transfer list?  ie If they are listed, you can leave them out of all teams without them upsetting the effectiveness?

aah yes, transfer listed players are not included in your squad effectiveness calc.
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 3 Sep - 14:40

Paul Hemmings wrote:
The English Charity Shield and all the Super Cups are played week one. They are all league winner vs cup winner type games.

it's always Benfica cos the portuguese super cup is played last of all and therefore is the last match to be setup in memory and benfica are the league champs most years so they regularly appear in that slot, but i have to rewrite this bit of code cos it shouldnt be using the last competition it should be using the relevant competition, i'll get there.

Paul, Are we to put our super cup teams THIS turn or NEXT turn?

Didn't receive a cup order form this turn, which makes me think it's next turn that you want the teams.....
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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 4 Sep - 23:20

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
The English Charity Shield and all the Super Cups are played week one. They are all league winner vs cup winner type games.

it's always Benfica cos the portuguese super cup is played last of all and therefore is the last match to be setup in memory and benfica are the league champs most years so they regularly appear in that slot, but i have to rewrite this bit of code cos it shouldnt be using the last competition it should be using the relevant competition, i'll get there.

Paul, Are we to put our super cup teams THIS turn or NEXT turn?

Didn't receive a cup order form this turn, which makes me think it's next turn that you want the teams.....

super cup games are played in week one.
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 26 Week 24 processing...   Season 26 Week 24 processing... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 5 Sep - 10:14

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
The English Charity Shield and all the Super Cups are played week one. They are all league winner vs cup winner type games.

it's always Benfica cos the portuguese super cup is played last of all and therefore is the last match to be setup in memory and benfica are the league champs most years so they regularly appear in that slot, but i have to rewrite this bit of code cos it shouldnt be using the last competition it should be using the relevant competition, i'll get there.

Paul, Are we to put our super cup teams THIS turn or NEXT turn?

Didn't receive a cup order form this turn, which makes me think it's next turn that you want the teams.....

super cup games are played in week one.

That's this turn then....
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