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 System FAILURE during backup of week 5...

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Paul Hemmings
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Oct - 8:47

The computer which holds CF is about 25 years old now and has just failed to boot all morning, so it looks like I will need to transfer CF to a more modern system. 

This will include a full upgrade of the software so it can run on a modern system, then restore the results from week 5 and try booting the modern system and check to make sure it all worked.

It's just a matter of buying the new software, downloading it and restoring the week 5 backup. Shouldn't take more than a few days, but just in case it does we may have a slight delay on the next deadline.
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Paul Hemmings
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: Re: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Oct - 8:53

I'll keep you informed as I progress...
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Paul Hemmings
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: Re: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Oct - 10:08

Okay the restore worked fine and the data is now on the more modern computer, now I have to upgrade the software...
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World Star - 99/99
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: Re: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Oct - 13:54

Just out of interest, what software do you have to buy?
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Paul Hemmings
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: Re: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeSat 28 Oct - 10:51

Okay CF is now running on Windows 10 without a software upgrade, which is great, means I don't have to make any upgrades to the CF code to allow for the upgrade.

Thankyou for the offers of assistance but without the upgrade we should be okay.

Just have to get a new printer cable so I can connect my old mini-centronics printer to a USB socket...
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Paul Hemmings
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: Re: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeFri 3 Nov - 15:26

I now have the drivers and cables installed which allows the printer to run off the windows 10 system and it prints text fine but  the order sheets are being printed in the wrong font, I think its using the gobbledigook font, so now I am looking to solve this issue, once that's done we are back up and running.

Hopefully I can fix this last issue over the weekend.
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Paul Hemmings
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: Re: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeSun 5 Nov - 18:29

Not good news i'm afraid.

None of the printer drivers I've tried over the weekend will allow me print the order sheets in a readable format ( the boxing used in Windows 95 just isnt available anymore ) so it looks like we will have to go back to using the text only order sheets from about 15 years ago.

I will carry on looking and experiment.
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World Star - 99/99
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System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Empty
PostSubject: Re: System FAILURE during backup of week 5...   System FAILURE during backup of week 5... Icon_minitimeSun 5 Nov - 19:01

Anything we can do to help Paul?
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