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 Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup

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Paul Hemmings
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Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Empty
PostSubject: Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup   Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Icon_minitimeFri 8 Jan - 18:23

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World Star - 99/99
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Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup   Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Icon_minitimeFri 8 Jan - 19:17

....... to be fair didn't Roman Abramovich buy the Premier League in the 2004-5 season???? 

But it's an interesting way for Sheikh Mansour to secure silverware. No faith in Pep??
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Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup   Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Icon_minitimeFri 8 Jan - 19:41

Rob@Barcelona wrote:
....... to be fair didn't Roman Abramovich buy the Premier League in the 2004-5 season???? 
Shots fired.... lol!
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World Star - 99/99
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Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup   Sheikh Mansour buys the FA Cup Icon_minitimeFri 8 Jan - 19:44

I’m hearing no defence Gaz ......
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