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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Chelsea   Chelsea Icon_minitimeWed 2 Mar - 18:34

Interested to hear others thoughts, especially Gaz. 

Now Roman has decided to clear off, what does the future hold? Does another owner like him exist? 

However, for all that he has done for Chelsea and the billions he has spent, his refusal to build a stadium to compete with the others in the league may cost them in the future. 

City’s owners completely different to be fair to them, build the club up from the roots as well as investing in players.
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea   Chelsea Icon_minitimeWed 2 Mar - 18:43

You will not get another owner like him , unfortunately whoever comes in will probably look to make money , especially any American firm or consortium.

The bloke has given us Chelsea fans some of the best days of our lives the last 19 years , in regards to the ground his hands have always been tied because CPO (Chelsea Pitch Owners) own the pitch and the name Chelsea Football Club which they let the club trade under. no one is going to buy the land it sits on with a big pitched size whole in the middle of possibly some of the valuable land in the world.

I was there before he arrived and will be there after.

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