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 Season 33 Week 24 processing...

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Paul Hemmings
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Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 17:58

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Tom@Charlton wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
First round of email turns all sent out.

I noticed some errors in the international tables which I will sort before week one begins, if you notice anything else let me know, thanks...

Brilliant, thanks Paul.

I have noticed last few weeks but it hasn't really been worth mentioning, that the TRAINING GROUND TACTICAL REPORT for the international sides seems incomplete.  The full Brazil side only have a select few players on there and there are no players from the U21 squad on theirs at all?  Normally wouldn't be bothered but when training a new tactic it would be handy to see.  


Ive sent new TT reports for both BRA and BRU let me know if they still have issues.

Perfect, thanks for taking the time.
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 18:04

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Thanks Paul. 

First check through seems fine, apart from in the Tour and CCs games I seem to be playing a mixture of FAP and FRE. Should be FAP, but at the end of games, sometimes it says I've been playing FRE - so a little confusing...
(I don't change tactic mid-match).

I'll check buildings and fin matters later. Andy.

Tour games are considered to be full games played with your first team so would use your FAP setting but you have FRE as your friendly tactic and Challenge Cup games are friendlies.

Jeez, you've explained that to me before (probably last season!), but I recorded it wrongly in my notes! Idiot...

"FR Friendlies which uses the friendly team
CC Uses friendly team
FY Youth friendlies uses the youth team
FT Free Tours that use the first team
TO Tours which also use the first team"

Not sure if SB friendlies still exist (or ever did!)?
And not sure what the difference is between TO and FT?

Are these (corrected) notes now correct P?
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 18:05

Ben@Plymouth wrote:
Quick question on buildings...

Is 101% effectively double the efficiency of 100% and if so is the cost of equipping to that double the cost of 100%. So for example, Training Centre would be an additional £25m to get to 101%?

Buildings that produce profits, like internet cafes, are a straight percentage increase in profits BUT other buildings like training centres are not straight percentage increases, so doubling the amount of equipment in a training centre will not double the speed that players are trained up at, but it will increase tangentally.

So for profit making buildings 101% = 200% profit and 102% = 300% profit etc.

building at 100% effectiveness requires 100% of equipment
building at 101% effectiveness requires 200% of equipment

sorry this is confusing so many people but the effectiveness field is limited to 3 digits and with up to 20 buildings to amalgamate would have caused numerical overflow once we past 9 buildings.
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 18:08

I assume TO is when you arrange a tour yourself during the season whereas FT is a generous freebie at the end of the season?
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 18:08

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Thanks Paul. 

First check through seems fine, apart from in the Tour and CCs games I seem to be playing a mixture of FAP and FRE. Should be FAP, but at the end of games, sometimes it says I've been playing FRE - so a little confusing...
(I don't change tactic mid-match).

I'll check buildings and fin matters later. Andy.

Tour games are considered to be full games played with your first team so would use your FAP setting but you have FRE as your friendly tactic and Challenge Cup games are friendlies.

Jeez, you've explained that to me before (probably last season!), but I recorded it wrongly in my notes! Idiot...

"FR Friendlies which uses the friendly team
CC Uses friendly team
FY Youth friendlies uses the youth team
FT Free Tours that use the first team
TO Tours which also use the first team"

Not sure if SB friendlies still exist (or ever did!)?
And not sure what the difference is between TO and FT?

Are these (corrected) notes now correct P?

FY and TO are no longer in use. FR CC and FT are correct. SB never existed.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 18:14

We use to have FR@30p TO@free and FY@30p. The FR is now free because we no longer have a printer that needs supporting and I kept the FR because that fits nicely with friendly and free friendly. FY games can still be played free of charge now by drafting youths into your friendly team. TO became FT because a lot of managers didnt realise Tours have always been free, so I felt FT would emphasis that a bit.
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 18:15

Brill, thanks P
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 18:44

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Ben@Plymouth wrote:
Quick question on buildings...

Is 101% effectively double the efficiency of 100% and if so is the cost of equipping to that double the cost of 100%. So for example, Training Centre would be an additional £25m to get to 101%?

Buildings that produce profits, like internet cafes, are a straight percentage increase in profits BUT other buildings like training centres are not straight percentage increases, so doubling the amount of equipment in a training centre will not double the speed that players are trained up at, but it will increase tangentally.

So for profit making buildings 101% = 200% profit and 102% = 300% profit etc.

building at 100% effectiveness requires 100% of equipment
building at 101% effectiveness requires 200% of equipment

sorry this is confusing so many people but the effectiveness field is limited to 3 digits and with up to 20 buildings to amalgamate would have caused numerical overflow once we past 9 buildings.
Thanks Paul!
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Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 17 May - 20:31

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Thanks Paul. 

First check through seems fine, apart from in the Tour and CCs games I seem to be playing a mixture of FAP and FRE. Should be FAP, but at the end of games, sometimes it says I've been playing FRE - so a little confusing...
(I don't change tactic mid-match).

I'll check buildings and fin matters later. Andy.

Tour games are considered to be full games played with your first team so would use your FAP setting but you have FRE as your friendly tactic and Challenge Cup games are friendlies.

Jeez, you've explained that to me before (probably last season!), but I recorded it wrongly in my notes! Idiot...

"FR Friendlies which uses the friendly team
CC Uses friendly team
FY Youth friendlies uses the youth team
FT Free Tours that use the first team
TO Tours which also use the first team"

Not sure if SB friendlies still exist (or ever did!)?
And not sure what the difference is between TO and FT?

Are these (corrected) notes now correct P?

Paul, had a closer look at my game tactics this week, and they are confusing:

The FT games should be using the lge team and lge tactics - they were using FRE, which is my FR tactic.

The CCs are weirder...they should be using FR team and FR tactics:
Strongbow - FAP in semi and final (should be FRE)
Bells Wh - FRE in both matches, fine
Rose - FAP in both (should be FRE)
Cotes Du - FRE in semi (fine), FAP in final (should be FRE)

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Paul Hemmings
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Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 18 May - 2:09

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:
Thanks Paul. 

First check through seems fine, apart from in the Tour and CCs games I seem to be playing a mixture of FAP and FRE. Should be FAP, but at the end of games, sometimes it says I've been playing FRE - so a little confusing...
(I don't change tactic mid-match).

I'll check buildings and fin matters later. Andy.

Tour games are considered to be full games played with your first team so would use your FAP setting but you have FRE as your friendly tactic and Challenge Cup games are friendlies.

Jeez, you've explained that to me before (probably last season!), but I recorded it wrongly in my notes! Idiot...

"FR Friendlies which uses the friendly team
CC Uses friendly team
FY Youth friendlies uses the youth team
FT Free Tours that use the first team
TO Tours which also use the first team"

Not sure if SB friendlies still exist (or ever did!)?
And not sure what the difference is between TO and FT?

Are these (corrected) notes now correct P?

Paul, had a closer look at my game tactics this week, and they are confusing:

The FT games should be using the lge team and lge tactics - they were using FRE, which is my FR tactic.

The CCs are weirder...they should be using FR team and FR tactics:
Strongbow - FAP in semi and final (should be FRE)
Bells Wh - FRE in both matches, fine
Rose - FAP in both (should be FRE)
Cotes Du - FRE in semi (fine), FAP in final (should be FRE)


Ok I checked this section of logic and I did find some issues in the reporting code which has made it report the friendly tactic in the wrong place for some home teams. Havent touched that section of code for years so Ive reprogrammed it and it should be reporting the correct tactic now for all teams who have played CC games.

I also simplified it so Tour games and Challenge Cup games now use first team and first team tactics for both home and away teams. Friendly home teams still use friendly tactics as normal.

Thanks for the feedback.
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 18 May - 12:31

2am! That’s either a hell of a commitment to the game or more a case of not being able to sleep following City’s performance last night?
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Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 18 May - 13:22

Wonderful, thanks Paul.

These are my notes then:

"FR Friendlies which uses the friendly team and FR tactic
CC Uses league team and LGE tactic
FT Free Tours that use the league team and LGE tactic
*You could train up YTHS and SCHBYS by putting them into FRs."

Hopefully, this is correct now? Andy.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 18 May - 13:24

Andy@Schalke wrote:
Wonderful, thanks Paul.

These are my notes then:

"FR Friendlies which uses the friendly team and FR tactic
CC Uses league team and LGE tactic
FT Free Tours that use the league team and LGE tactic
*You could train up YTHS and SCHBYS by putting them into FRs."

Hopefully, this is correct now? Andy.

yes thats correct. thanks.
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Paul Hemmings
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Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 23 May - 11:45

All the feeder clubs are done and all the turns have now been sent out.

So everybody ready and set for the new season ? ...
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 23 May - 14:26

Minimal changes for my sides, so in theory I should be ready for the new season but I never feel confident.....

Nantes gone through the biggest change but early signs are decent....cue a defeat first game!
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World Star - 99/99
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Order Sheet

Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 24 processing...   Season 33 Week 24 processing... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 23 May - 17:48

Q1. What is a 'good season' for your clubs?

Watford - Challenge for the title again this season, and push in cup/champions league. 
Genk - Reclaim the league and the cup. Fans must have been disappointed with last seasons performance. 
Botafogo - Another Copa Liba challenge will be a minimum and hopefully close in on the league title. 
Leverkusen - Hugely disappointed to miss out on the 

Q2. What is your 'acid test' Fixture?
Watford - Charlton, City, Plymouth to name just a few....
Genk - Anderlecht enemy number 1
Botafogo - Flum, Santos are main competition in the league.
Leverkusen-  Schalke, Wolfsburg and Hannover

Q3. Most important player for the coming season?
Watford - Huge things expected from Bernardo Silva and Portuguese teammate Joao Felix. 
Genk - Newly capped POTS De Ketelaere will need to impress at TM. 
Botafogo - Neymar he was sensational at RW, hopefully a shift to TM doesnt dull his abilities too much.
Leverkusen - Nkunku, showing promise in pre-season, so hopefully can continue good form.

Q4. Do you anticipate any tactical changes?
Watford/Genk/Botafogo/Leverkusen - Switch from PEB to FAY... Might last a season, might get frustrated midway.... time will tell. 

Q5. Which of your summer signings do you need to settle the quickest?
Watford - Silva, hopefully brings real life form. 
Genk - Anguissa, AM has changed lots of times of the last season or 2, so hopefully can make the position his own.
Botafogo - No new signings to the First XI. So expecting team to start performing. 

Leverkusen - Muani is only player coming into XI from transfers so hopefully doesnt get overshadowed by Lewandowski..

Q6. Which piece of summer business are you happiest with?

Q7. Which player do you feel you most missed out on, that another manager signed during the season break?
Ruben Dias

Q8. Which of your players will be in your starting 11 for week 1, but you hope he doesn't feature in week 22.
Watford - Would like to replace Henderson or Rudiger.
Genk - Koulibaly, would potentially like to reduce age profile. 
Botafogo - Cabral/Weverton
Leverkusen - Eden Hazard, again like to reduce age.

Q9. Given a magic wand, which of your rivals (in your division) players would you like to see in your clubs colours? 
Watford - Saka
Genk - Yari Verchaeren
Botafogo - Allison
Leverkusen - Wirtz 

Q10. Which position in your chosen formation do you see as currently the weakest link?
Watford - GK - Henderson
Genk - S2 - Brobby
Botafogo-  S2 - Cabral

Lille - CB - Soyuncu

Q11. Which do you see as the strongest?
Watford - DY - SIlva, Maddison, JWP, Barnes, Onana
Genk - DY - Camavinga, Kessie, Anguissa
Botafogo - TM - Neymar

Leverkusen -  CF - Lewandowski

Q12. Who will finish as leading scorer in your division?
Watford - Haaland/Salah/Abraham/Rashford
Genk - Lukaku
Botafogo -  Neymar, Richarlison, Chera
Leverkusen - Mbappe

Q13. Are you planning on entering European competition?
Watford  - Champions League
Genk - Europa  
Botafogo - Copa Liba
Leverkusen - European Cup

Q14. Which youngster in your academy do you have highest hopes for?
Watford - Shea Lacey/Evan Ferguson
Genk - Ben Seghir/Ugochukwu
Botafogo - Endrick

Leverkusen - Arda Guler

Q15. If you were a bookie, what odds would you give your own team and your rivals in your division, to win the league?
Watford -
Genk - 1/2 
Botafogo - 2/1

Leverlusen - 3/1

Q16. Champions League winner, three most likely?

Q17. Europa League winner, three most likely?

Q18. Domestic Cup winner, three most likely?
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