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 Manager Personality Traits

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PostSubject: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeWed 28 Apr - 13:26

As it isn't working correctly on scout reports Paul has just gone through the traits of every manager with me to share with you. I did scribble all this down so I'm adding a disclaimer if any of it is wrong!

Fergie - Has to be a better player + 2 rating, U29's only, potential rating of 97 at least and if you want a DY you have to offer a DY.

Joe Mercer (Man City) - As above but you also have to offer an Englishman.

Wenger - Will accept equal ratings, you can't get any of his U25's and you can't offer any one over 23yo

Martin O'Neill - You have to offer Englishman and U29yo.

Harry Redknapp - Will accept equal ratings, U29yo but you can't offer a foreigner for one of his English players but you can offer an Englishman for one of his foreigners.

Bryan Robson - Will accept equal ratings, U29yo and you have to trade a position for same i.e DY for DY, CF for CF etc

Mancini - You have to offer greater than a 94 rated player.

I didn't have time to ask any questions etc but I hope some of the above is of interest.
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeWed 28 Apr - 13:30

Mark, that's great info, ta very much !
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeWed 28 Apr - 21:58

Good work mark,

Bugger if only i hadnt given some northeast club all my money Manager Personality Traits Icon_rolleyes
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSat 1 May - 10:23

wouldnt it be good if us real managers were given some kind of persoanlity traits in the game.
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSat 1 May - 10:29

Yeah like me Stu = fuck it lets do it lol
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 2 May - 23:09

Anyone know if we still pay twice buycost or is it just buycost?
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 2 May - 23:42

i thought the buycost was already doubled on the sheet so i hope not!!!

maybe the administrators will be banging on the door of the pink flamingo's this week! affraid
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 30 May - 20:20

Which club is Mancini managing please?
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 30 May - 20:30

Don't get too excited....Pompey.
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 30 May - 20:40

Thanks, good to know.

Bit quiet round here these days!
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 30 May - 20:49

is a bit, will help when we get back to normality turn wise, these bank holidays dont help.

Weve been on a recruitment operation this weekend might have a new manager, hes interested, got his address for Paul to send him something so lets all be on our best behaviour chaps.

maybe, maybe, maybe another in the pipeline
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 30 May - 23:02

Yeah I think we'll get at least two of them Will.

Suggest we get Andy Bolton, Mike/Ed Derby obviously, Dunc W West Ham, Keith Norwich and Dunc I Wednesday

surely with enough goading, there's at least 2 or 3 newbies in that will pick this game up and more importantly run with it. With that we might even get Blaken on his return from honeymoon. Might need to get Bristol City to league 2 to get him excited though!
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 30 May - 23:03

im only really confident with Baks (dan favourite none professional footballer),

the others less so, Keiths my other possible, i dont think Dunc will do it
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeSun 30 May - 23:04

and mike......

got no bollocks, needs to find them
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 3 Aug - 22:38

Thought I'd revive this thread. Paul told me that Harry Redknapp's wants are now a little different from those originally stated. Now Harry only wants players who have pt>96, like for like and English and won't sell his real life Spurs players.

Apparently most of us wanted Paul to maintain the integrity of real life squads wherever possible.

Does anyone know of any other personality manager updates/changes?
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 3 Aug - 22:41

yeah ajax.

they want atleast PT96
they want player position offered relevant to player being bidded on
they wont sell any dutch players
they wont sell anyone under 26
they wont sell any real life ajax players
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 3 Aug - 22:50

Paul should make a list available of all personality managers and their requirements re dealings, send it to Stuart on a regular basis with updates and that way it would be up on the forum.
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 3 Aug - 22:52

Billy Davies.

Will moan like a bitch
Will only buy Strikers
Wont Buy Left backs
Will moan like a bitch somemore
Will claim hes been given no money and the worlds against him
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 3 Aug - 22:54

Will@Fulham wrote:
Billy Davies.

Will moan like a bitch
Will only buy Strikers
Wont Buy Left backs
Will moan like a bitch somemore
Will claim hes been given no money and the worlds against him

lol, you forgot - Will refer to himself in the 3rd person
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 3 Aug - 22:56

Jamie Tyler.

Will only accept players that appeared in England for no more than 10 minutes
Will only accet players whose names truly escape you
Will only accept players that have represented their country due to managemen or clerical error

lol!! its too easy
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeWed 4 Aug - 0:19

i hate these, theyve made me feel suicidle, something terrible happened in my last turn, i lost a game to a club thats managed by marradona, the only preseason choice ive gotta make now is bus or train to jump under....
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeWed 4 Aug - 13:59


If you are going to jump, do it in front of a bus.

That way there are less commuters on the way to work first thing in the morning to piss off.

Please show a little consideration.
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeWed 4 Aug - 18:19

nah, i'd do it infront of a train, cos then i'd die like most rabbits in this country
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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 1 Feb - 23:25

It's been a while since anyone updated this thread. I believe there are a few more personality managers in the game now. Anyone got any more to add to the below:

Joe Mercer (Man City) - As above but you also have to offer an Englishman.

Martin O'Neill (Villa) - You have to offer Englishman and U29yo.

Martin Jol (Ajax):
they want atleast PT96
they want player position offered relevant to player being bidded on
they wont sell any dutch players
they wont sell anyone under 26
they wont sell any real life ajax players

Harry Redknapp - Wants players who have pt>96, like for like position and English, U29 and won't sell his real life U26 Spurs players. (Scout report also says PTCRequal)

Wenger (Reading) - Will accept equal ratings, you can't get any of his U25's and you can't offer any one over 23yo. (Possibly wants like for like position too).

Fergie (Blackburn) - Has to be a better player + 2 rating, U29's only, potential rating of 97 at least and if you want a DY you have to offer a DY (like for like position)

Bryan Robson (Boro) - Will accept equal ratings, British U29yo and you have to trade a position for same i.e DY for DY, CF for CF etc. Won’t sell U26 Boro real life players.
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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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Manager Personality Traits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manager Personality Traits   Manager Personality Traits Icon_minitimeTue 8 Feb - 17:40

Will@Fulham wrote:
Billy Davies.

Will moan like a bitch
Will only buy Strikers
Wont Buy Left backs
Will moan like a bitch somemore
Will claim hes been given no money and the worlds against him

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