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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 11 May - 18:50

come on lee, gloves off, fuck the Will "i love everyone" Buckley approach.. deadlines - Page 2 Icon_biggrin

one man band or no one man band...and I am one...if you dont speak to your customers, they very quickly stop being your customers. Its a positive for Paul that Ross, Stu, and Adam are/were here to communicate to the masses on his behalf.

I've had a stressful couple of weeks myself, and am definately of the mindset that "it arrives when it arrives", much more important stuff going off with me than the game.

It's just a general frustration with Paul that I have, that he just doesnt acknowledge points you make in emails, entire emails, phone calls and just generally doesnt seem to think that it's common courtesy to speak to people.

The few times I've spoken to him directly, he's been nothing but helpful and friendly...I just wish he was more accessible than he is.


thinking about it, Im not even bothered if I cant speak to Paul myself, just want him to proactively tell Stu when there's going to be a major delay, so that Stu can let the rest of us know. I dont think that should be an unreasonable request.

It must get on your wick Stu, that all of us are asking you if you;ve heard anything every two minutes.

Last edited by Rich@Leicester on Wed 12 May - 11:02; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 11 May - 18:51

I think we all agree it's not life or death for any of us but some communication would solve all the uncertainty.
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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 11 May - 18:54

as Harry Hill would say,"i like pbm..but i like communication aswell but which is better,theres only one way to find out....FIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHT" deadlines - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 11 May - 21:28

In an age where modern day communication devices and methods make it nearly impossible to exclude yourself from society i do find the game quite exasparating at times, and i do often feel personal embarrasment myself sometimes when i have no news or developments to update you all with.

I certainly agree with Rich's point about paying customers potentially no longer being customers, and communication is quite key i feel for a business which is run as a hobby. The game cannot thrive or possibly hope to gain or retain new (or old) customers without it.

It would be great to see Paul return to the forum and i sincerely hope he does to improve this element of frustration. I do empathise with him though as he obviously has his own life and it must be hard to deal with that and at the same time have 20-30 people wondering what is going with the game, not to mention some of the personal insults he has had to endure. If i was running a business, I certainly wouldn't want to do business with customers who hurled abuse at me, there can be no excuse for it whatsoever.

On a final note this forum is great for the game and i really appreciate all of you
guys for your continued help, support and participation and long may it continue. I really cannot stress enough the importance that we all work together to ensure the forum remains and continues in what it was set out to be by Adam: - open, honest, friendly, informed, opinonated but not abusive.

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deadlines - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 12 May - 10:24

Just spoke to Paul and asked when we might recieve our turns, He said don't know yet as he still got a few things to sort out from when he went up town, not sure what that means but said he should be able to post them at the weekend hopefully, so would'nt hold your breath as does'nt look like the games been run yet
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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 12 May - 18:04

I don't care tbh, Notts County F.C. are League Two Champions, Forest choked once again, in front of the nations TV cameras against a much smaller club with less resources (Mr Davies should remember that), and I've still got a healthy looking sun kissed glow about me.

Everything is right in the world.... Smile
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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 12 May - 19:20

Amen to that.
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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May - 12:29

Anyone have any updates?
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PostSubject: Re: deadlines   deadlines - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May - 15:02

Yes Colin, Forest are still being laughed at in the footballing world. And nobody is quite sure why they always bottle it in the play offs! A true mystery.

End of Update.
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