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 Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich

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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich
Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Vote_lcap45%Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Vote_rcap
 45% [ 5 ]
Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Vote_lcap55%Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Vote_rcap
 55% [ 6 ]
Total Votes : 11

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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 1:22

i'm going to send a note in my turn this week to give tom some defence. i really think he should be allowed to switch his priorities and make charlton the main club to bayern munich. he's managed both for so long and so many rules have changed since everyone took feeder clubs that i think an exception should be made.

though actually, its not really an exception because there is already situations in the game where Bohemians are the main club to Marseille (real life french champions) and Leicester are the feeder club to Chievo (real life serie a). Though that is no issue to me or basis for argument since both Leicester and Bohemians are strong. Tom has built both teams up and should be allowed to just get on with them. Forget the fact that Charlton are rubbish in real life because so are leicester and so are bohemians in real life, but in this game they've got a good squad - like leciester have and like Bohemians have. so i say lets just let the guy carry on doing the job he's doing. its not like tom can do anything differently than any other english club that has a feeder club in europe.

If Paul says no then if i were Tom id stick out the current arrangement and just pick the youth team at Bayern every week so they get relegated and then go back to paul next year when both clubs will be playing at the same level. then there really is no argument against it whatsoever no matter how many people vote no.

My opinion is just that there's been loads of changes to the game recently and that tom shouldnt be back into a corner and forced into an even bigger change of ditching one of his teams.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 11:04

Just to highlight. Leicester are the parent club, Chievo are the feeder club. But I'm sure that's what you meant.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 11:18

I've had a thought.

And this is controvertial.

I'd like to change my vote from No, to Yes. And let me tell you why.

This has been a long running saga since day one and it needs a line drawing under it. The whole escapade started when Di Michele suddenly went to Bayern for a load of cash, 2 seconds after Tom bought him for Charlton for nothing or next to nothing.

Ever since then, Tom has been waging a war to prove he's running both clubs ethically, and apart from a few Lars Jacobsen (which actually now doesnt look bad at all) type incidents...has largely been ok. There's been a few bizarre deals with Everton and the enigma that is Harry...swapping Marek Cech for Stephen Pienaar etc, but generally Tom's own passion in running Bayern, coupled with paul's rule changes have seen this sort of thing reduced. Everyone has had one deal somewhere along the line that other people have questioned, but generally, it's getting better.

Everyone's big concern at the time, was that Bayern would purely be a cash cow for Charlton, and while Bayern remain the parent club, they will continue to be able to buy whoever they like off Charlton, funding Tom's Valley-based war-chest. It's obviously still a concern because we're still talking about it one year later.

I think Tom should have Charlton as the parent club, as Bayern will then not be allowed to buy random players from Charlton. Not that I am saying this is still happening, but it closes the loop hole. Charlton in my opinion have always been Tom's priority and the set-up should reflect that.

Coupled with the fact, that myself and Tom, really should get promoted this season, and I dont want to spend a season in the championship battling for top spot with a feeder club that cant get promoted.

Tom would then have to live within the natural means of Charlton, and live with the same rules as everyone else. Bayern could still go and buy Englush based players for Charlton...but we can all do that anyway if we really want to, but paul's new rules have made this element alot fairer for me.

I said no originally on principle. But it's a yes from me with my sensible head on.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 11:47

I wish it was a straight swap, Marek Cech for Steven Pienaar, unfortunately there was a lot more to the deal than was on the top transferred sheet.

Many deals contain more than first appears, it is wrong to assume that what you see is the final deal. More recently Matt was a victim of this too, and it shouldn't happen.

What upsets me the most is that it seems you have been carrying the misconception of this 'deal' for a year now, without actually asking me about it.

There has been a lot of sniping about the number of deals between myself and Harry, none of which has been presented at my door, just gone round the houses which I find disappointing.

Although i don't feel like I need to explain why, just ask yourselves this:
If you played the game, without access to the forum and your brother played too, who do you think you'd do the most deals with?

Di Michele was a mistake though.

Anyway thanks for your support.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 11:52

Hi Tom,

Support it was meant to be. As I remember at the time of the Pienaar thing, everybody asked you what the deal was, and you wouldnt say anything.

I'm actually fighting your corner here, believe it or not!.

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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 11:53

The one and only problem is that Paul has taken the much needed steps to stop Feeder clubs being cash cows to their main club and for the large part this works.

Yes Martin has a potential inbalance in terms of what his teams are in real life but in the game im guessing Marseille are starting from scratch with no takeover, no sponsorship and not a lot else to get them off the ground.

my feeder club has been going for just over a season, ive built some buiildings,developed and sold on some players and i bet it still doesnt turnover 10% of what bayern did even when tom took over, never mind now.

The way feeder clubs are in the game now is that they are going to have to buy in young, develop, review to sell on and reinvest to take the club forward - ie: what they should be like and are like in real life.

This situation isnt Toms fault, i know better than than most on here his dilemma over the bayern charlton situation and appreciate how much hes relish's the challenge with Jaimie in Germany

i mean come on its neally laughable.

imagine we introduce someone to the game and show them a list of some of the feeder clubs people have got

Chievo, Perugia, Torino, Vicenza, Goais, Marrakesh and Bayern Munich.

However controlled and disciplined u wanted to be theres no chance that with a bank balance and turnover as big as Bayerns anybody wouldnt consider themselves as being put at a massive advantage.

i wouldnt want it and i know Tom wouldnt want people to think hes only achieved what he has cos hes got a whopping big established feeder club to bank roll charlton, its jst the wrong way round - besides hes good enough to do it without that..........just lol!!

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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 11:56

Still like to put on record that this game would be better off without feeder clubs.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 12:22

Valid point there Will.

Chievo started last season, with 8 players and £5m.

Having a feeder club with the amount of revenue available to Bayern, would be a tad unfair, when everyone elses feeder clubs started from just about scratch, like Stu at Pompey...who's inherited a terrible situation.

I dont know what to suggest, I can see both sides.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 13:20

Will's point is very good.

At the end of the day though the only valid point of view here is that of the man running the game.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 15:35

Will et al....

what if.....

there was some kind of rule (here we go) where a smaller club can be the main club BUT there is a pre-condition that no deals can be processed between the parent/feeder until the main club is playing at the same level as its feeder. i think that would be a fair ruling to have because techincally then tom is running two teams completely seperately ATLEAST until charlton reach the premiership or bayern are relegated. so basically charlton are still linked to bayern but because the main club is playing at a lower level they cant 'rape' the resources of its higher placed affiliate. it also means tom can finally give charlton the identity it needs as a main club and its just up to him then to fulfill the ambition of reaching the top with charlton. he really should be allowed to get that team into the premiership.

i kinda like this idea so wouldnt mind some feedback Get Out
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 20:57

To be quite honest, I really appreciate the support given on this thread, but i don't honestly think it is a solution to my problem.

It would be a solution in terms of Charlton, but all it would do is tie Bayerns hands financially. When competing with Jamie in Germany, I need all the financial muscle available. Whereas in England, the financial restraints are making it really difficult to compete with the numerous managers constantly seeking a worthy player within a restricted market.

Either way one of the two teams will be hampered and will suffer as a result. Whichever way you look at it, the arrangement I have currently cannot continue if I want to be as competitive as possible.

Doesn't really matter which way round it is really, the new restrictions are tightening the rules and regulations and making the parent/feeder relationship much more realistic.

As managers cannot change feeder clubs, my only option is to give Bayern up, and gain a feeder club for Charlton, run it as a feeder club for Charlton, and accept the new changes in the game.

I would just like to add again, I am in complete agreement with the rule changes and feel that they do and will improve the game. So please don't see this as a moan at the changes.

In answer to Stu's original question, I do actually agree with Will and Rich, in that Bayern should only be allowed to be Charlton's feeder club if they are starting with nothing, not if they start with a host of 9999 players and a capacity of 120,000.

Also, thanks again for the support.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeFri 12 Nov - 23:37


I PM'd you with an idea a little while back.
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeSun 14 Nov - 10:14

if it stops all arguements, im all for scrapping feeder clubs... its why i dont have 1, because i would be tempted to do the odd sly deal and hope no-one notices it, thats why i got rid of mine when i took juve on a few years ago
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeSun 14 Nov - 11:34

Paul will never stop feeder clubs. Largely cos it's probably about 40% of his income from the game.

They don't need scrapping, just regulating properly, which we're starting to see happen nicely
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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich   Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich Icon_minitimeSun 14 Nov - 12:18

Rich@Leicester wrote:
Paul will never stop feeder clubs. Largely cos it's probably about 40% of his income from the game.

They don't need scrapping, just regulating properly, which we're starting to see happen nicely

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Should Charlton be allowed to be the main club to Bayern Munich
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