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Paul Hemmings
Games Master
Games Master
Paul Hemmings

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Join date : 2009-12-02
Location : Cornwall

Week 10 DEADLINE Empty
PostSubject: Week 10 DEADLINE   Week 10 DEADLINE Icon_minitimeTue 12 Jan - 14:27

Ive just posted week 9 out, tuesday 12th, delayed cos of the snow.

The turn will show a deadline of 18th January, that will be extended, so

new DEADLINE is 25th January
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Week 10 DEADLINE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Week 10 DEADLINE   Week 10 DEADLINE Icon_minitimeTue 12 Jan - 15:17

Cheers Paul
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Week 10 DEADLINE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Week 10 DEADLINE   Week 10 DEADLINE Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jan - 17:23

Thanks Paul.

Anyone lucky enough to get their turn today?
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Week 10 DEADLINE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Week 10 DEADLINE   Week 10 DEADLINE Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jan - 17:42

Nothing here.
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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Join date : 2009-11-28
Age : 44

Week 10 DEADLINE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Week 10 DEADLINE   Week 10 DEADLINE Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jan - 18:39

the a35 road thru devon which connects to the a303 route onto london m25 was closed in sections overnight due to an extremely heavy blizzard of snow which lasted until 2pm today. my boss lives in north devon and he had to turn back after 40 miles of his journey because the traffic was gridlocked and going nowhere. not sure what the great western trainline was like but i expect their were severe delays. im sure this will all effect the shipment of post and other services in the south west beit road or rail, simply because their are very few alternative routes. the M5 to bristol and birmngham from exeter was cleared though, so any mail heading north should be ok. those of us living east of exeter may have a wait on.
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International 94/94
International 94/94

Posts : 312
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Join date : 2009-12-01
Age : 55
Location : Sandbach

Week 10 DEADLINE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Week 10 DEADLINE   Week 10 DEADLINE Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jan - 19:01

Turn received in snowy Sandbach (nr Crewe)!!

As usual some gobsmacking events! Rafael scored TWO goals, totally unexpected, I drew 3-3 in the cup against minnows Sheff Utd but scraped through on pens plus a sneaky swap deal didn't come off as Paul thinks the player concerned hasn't played in England.... but he definately has.

Just gonna have a thorough read and get cracking with my turns!
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