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 Idea on TV Payments

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PostSubject: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 18:29

I dont mean to start a new thread...but I have done already so it's too late now.

What if Paul was to reward managers that opted to take their TV money over the course of the season rather than in a lump sum?

for example

a) £20m in a lump sum or
b) £1m a week for 24 weeks

Any thoughts?
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 18:39

Not sure, isn't that rewarding people who don't need the money now?

ie the bigger clubs?

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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 18:40

I dont see why you should get rewarded for choosing to have it over the year...

We all shoud get the same TV money depending on what division where it.

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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 18:41

maybe so Tom actually, was just thinking that in any line of business, people will always offer you a discount for early settlement, or charge you more for taking longer to pay.

Thought it might just be a way of appeasing everyone
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 18:46

Phil@Arsenal wrote:
I dont see why you should get rewarded for choosing to have it over the year...

We all shoud get the same TV money depending on what division where it.


Because it would be 'prudent' and encourage you to run your club on a sound financial footing rather than having the bailout option of playing 9 friendlies per week for 18 weeks.

Dont get me wrong Phil. I want my cash upfront.

I'm just seeing if there's a way that everyone wins.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 18:47

Possibly, but isn't that the case if one option is unanimously better than the other?

Think the difference between the two is just personal preference.

But then, another way of looking at it is, if you are desperate for the money upfront then maybe you get penalised. ie 4m less fo taking it now.

I know that is exactly what you said, but I couldn't get my head round being rewarded for not needing money. However being penalised for taking a loan upfront makes sense.

I have talked myself round and agree with Rich!! cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 18:51

they all come around eventually! lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:00

If I start getting penalized cause I want my money up front rather then sell all my tickets at the start of the season to make a big enough case sum to strengthen my team.

I pay £180 for my season god be damned I lose out cause I prefer to have all my money at one place and already play 9 friendlies.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:03

Dont be so angry's only an idea for discussion!

You try being Leicester see how bitter you are about having no money then!

"Oh no I got £20 million for an average Dutch international"....times tough at the Emirates are they! lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:04

oh, and we all pay £180 Phil... Smile

In fact, because I missed the deadline and couldnt get a season ticket...I had to pay more than that.

there's a parody in there if you want to find it Smile
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:14

well said rich.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:17

Yeah got to be honest I agree with Rich, although I can see what Phil is saying, £180 is a lot of money, most managers pay that.

Personally just because I pay that, it doesn't mean I think the game should be made easier for me.

Receiving my turns would be nice though.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:18

Tom@Charlton wrote:
Yeah got to be honest I agree with Rich

I feel dirty.

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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:44

What may be lost in translation that I'd opt for my money up front!
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:45

I think its a fair comment that if you want it in one go then mr bank manager isn't going to give as much as if you took a little each month. think of it like when you buy car insurance - if you pay for it in one hit you get about a 20% saving over paying in instalments. so i think its fair that those that are more financially viable are rewarded a little more.

still, like phil says all he'd have to do in that case is sell more season tickets so that he can take his tv money every week. so is there really any point?
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:50

Maybe there isn't,

Personally my bug is with the feeder clubs

No stadium sponsor, no overdraft and now no tv money... And this costs the same as my parent club?????
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 19:55

paul said you get all that now dont you?
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 22:38

Stuart@Roma wrote:
paul said you get all that now dont you?

Got to be honest I hope not.

I'm all for feeders getting money of some description, again id like to highlight i would prefer it if it was based on a league position or something related to sucess and not just a hand out, but I'd laugh or cry if half the feeder clubs in the game ended up getting more money than there parent clubs.

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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 23:05

tbh....i thnk all game earnings should be league position based. whether its for parent or feeder clubs ( by this i mean clubs in their top division - which is every country except england next season ). i put some rough suggestion in some other thread somewhere but i honestly think all clubs should just get money from where they are. if Rich does amazing with Betis or Will does amazing with Feyenoord then why should a team five places below them have a better budget to work with next season? I know a feeder club is 'just a feeder club' but you also have to factor in the fact that these clubs need to maintain a healthy level of competition, otherwise there's really no point. I said it before but Ancona are above Roma in the table. why should Jamie have less to worth with next year than me?........anyone?
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 23:18

Stuart@Roma wrote:
tbh....i thnk all game earnings should be league position based. whether its for parent or feeder clubs ( by this i mean clubs in their top division - which is every country except england next season ). i put some rough suggestion in some other thread somewhere but i honestly think all clubs should just get money from where they are. if Rich does amazing with Betis or Will does amazing with Feyenoord then why should a team five places below them have a better budget to work with next season? I know a feeder club is 'just a feeder club' but you also have to factor in the fact that these clubs need to maintain a healthy level of competition, otherwise there's really no point. I said it before but Ancona are above Roma in the table. why should Jamie have less to worth with next year than me?........anyone?

cos its jaimie, he has to be different .lol

thats ur fault stu for not pulling ur finger out and letting him get above u Wink

seriously though, agree generally sucess or league placing is rewarded in real life so maybe it should that way here and not a handout.

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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 23:29

You get two payments at the end of the year... tv prize money and league placement money so u do get prized for finishing higher don't u ?

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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 23:31

You get an extra 4m if you take it weekly......are you lot fucking mental!! it should be the same if you want it up front or weekly.......END OF!!!!!!!!
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 23:32

tv money:

1st: 30m
2nd: 28m
3rd: 26m
4th: 24m
5th: 22m
6th: 20m
7th: 18m
8th: 16m
9th: 14m
10th: 12m
11th: 11m
12th: 10m

shirt sponsor:

1st: 12m
2nd: 11m
3rd: 10m
4th: 9m
5th: 8m
6th: 7m
7th: 6m
8th: 5m
9th: 4m
10th: 3m
11th: 2m
12th: 1m
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 23:35

Gaz@Chelsea wrote:
You get an extra 4m if you take it weekly......are you lot fucking mental!! it should be the same if you want it up front or weekly.......END OF!!!!!!!!

yes, but...getting in advance is a significant advantage for those people in the transfer market. but then i suppose like i said earlier everyone can just sell their whole stadium for season tickets if they want.
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Idea on TV Payments   Idea on TV Payments Icon_minitimeTue 23 Aug - 23:36

Than you gaz.
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