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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:03

Paul Hemmings wrote:
I must compliment Matt again on the way he organises and runs his club, not only has he built a well balanced successful team but he has also made a £4millions profit this week from his finances alone, not including any profits he may have made from buying and selling players. He has all his revenue streams up and running well and making money or losing the least amount of money as possible. That's the main reason why Barca are the richest club in the league by a country mile.

Embarassed Biscuits are in the post Paul!!! Laughing

Seems like Schweinsteiger is running the show for me at the moment.............

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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:06

Flamengo SAM5 46% 3 chancesto 5 3ontarget 3saved GKLKSTsuperb RKCLAMDRCFgood DLsubpoor

you sold Diogo and he was happy to leave.

a few fans with season ticket issues.

I remember when Flamengo were one of the biggest clubs in the game and they still have the 16th largest share price of all the clubs in the game, and Matt is doing financially well here as well.

His team are all on superb morale and once he cuts out the non-players and gets everybody on good form i'm sure they will takeoff in front of goal and his goals scored will become as impressive as his goals conceded which is zero in the last six league games. A few home wins and his side will soon find themselves in the top half of the league, although as a feeder club that is not the most important thing.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:08

Matt@Barcelona wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
I must compliment Matt again on the way he organises and runs his club, not only has he built a well balanced successful team but he has also made a £4millions profit this week from his finances alone, not including any profits he may have made from buying and selling players. He has all his revenue streams up and running well and making money or losing the least amount of money as possible. That's the main reason why Barca are the richest club in the league by a country mile.

Embarassed Biscuits are in the post Paul!!! Laughing

Seems like Schweinsteiger is running the show for me at the moment.............

oooh biscuits Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:35

Hi Paul, any feedback on Brum/Gremio would be appreciated!
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:36

Schalke WIN5 / SLO5 / ALL5 / SLO43 57% 10 chancesto 0 9ontarget 8saved LWsublimeRONALDOmom CLAMCFsuperb RBCRRWgood CFsubgood

this was an important game for Schalke and they totally dominated the league leaders who's GK was sublime.

Champions Cup SLO5 / ATT5 / ALL5 / DEF4 / FAS5 46% 6 chancesto 10 Ajax had the mom in CFhuntelaar. GKRBDLDRsuperb CLDYCFPMgood

You sold Schorch and he was happy to leave.

Only one player not on superb form that is easy to fix, and things generally going well with players form in most cases on or appraoching superb. The WB win bonus need tweaking a bit even though you had to pay out £1.1millions this week in bonuses. A couple of players need more bench time but you can see that easier now if you study the new History column on your Player Profile report page 2.

Got quite a few coaches who dont have any trademarks to pass on to their players, this doesnt have a big affect but it means you are missing out on a few small bonuses. For instance you have Michael Laudrup as your LW coach and his trades are VIS SKL and RTG none of which really help a winger, if you moved Jimmy Husband to your LW coach he would pass on his trades of TRI and CRO that would help your left wingers. The bonus the player receives is 10% of a skill but when you add all these little bonuses up they can be significant. Just thought I'd mention that as we havent really talked much about coaches.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:37

Rich@Birmingham wrote:
Hi Paul, any feedback on Brum/Gremio would be appreciated!

There in the envelope so im assuming ive already done them ? or did I miss them out ?
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:38

Yeah just said which NEW's had gone through, no biggie!
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:39

Rich@Birmingham wrote:
Yeah just said which NEW's had gone through, no biggie!

okay I'll take another look, I may have forgotten to press the send button after I typed it all out. apologies.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:53

Birmingham FLY5 60% 12 chancesto 5 10ontarget 8saved TMsublimeAGUEROmom AMCLDYCFsuperb LBCRgood subsonatDYLWCF

You had SOS on your TM which made him want to get into goalscoring positions rather than worry about bringing your wingers into the game more, so from that point of view your system didnt quite work smoothly but from the other point of view it was Aguero and he did score your second goal so it was swings and roundabouts really. Because you played a CF Aguero would have tried to go either side of him and play more as a striker but despite this Parker was still able to find Aguero all the time so their understanding is good.

Ive replayed this game a few times as a practice match and each time Aguero scores once or twice and its nearly always a draw, so you're playing FLY with all the requirements of player positions correctly occupied but your actually playing CFST up front instead of CFTM, this happens with the better players who can adapt and sometimes play their own game.

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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:56

Would swapping Fellaini from DY to BW after going ahead improve the chances of a win? And/or taking Aguero off SOS?
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:56

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Ross@Blackpool wrote:

Im not gettign at anyone in particular, they were just examples. Kleberson is over 30 and it hink you have done well to get 6m for him, the point was aimed at the values in the game not you.

I have a 23 year old CB playing in the prem and i cant sell him for 1m? The system rates him at 250k and he wont sell. Yet other players in the gme that are overpriced sell each week.

Im just saying something isnt right here.

Im gettign moaned at about my squad size each week and 5 of the 7 not playing are Transfer listed, plenty of sides that are unmanaged could do with my players and none of them are signing them cos they cost too much at 1m? Let me ask you this, when was the last player you signed in this game under 1m that strengthened your squad?

Hey Ross, I hear you.

If you have a premiership CB thats rated at only £1millions then you need to review him because it is the players CR that governs how much they are worth re their tribvals. If you successfully review the players you think are undervalued then you may get somewhere and raise some money.

If you dont have time to review these players then maybe some kind soul will help you out and do it for you.

Maybe you should be specific and list the details of the players you think are undervalued.

But you shouldn't be down beat as youre doing a great job there as it is VERY tough going in the lower leagues, that was the idea of running them.

Thanks paul. I think this is my issue now. Gonna need to make a decision i think. I dont have time for reviews, never have. Owning my own business unfortunatley is taking any life away and i appreciate you cant review every player in the game and i wouldnt expect anyone to do it for me.

Your post last week and week before about all the things the game takes into account made me realise what little time i actually spend on this now.

Im lucky because ina way its why i have been succesfull, i cant tamper with things so i get a settled side everywhere i go however that will only go so far.

Will see how things go over netx couple of weeks and make my mind up.

Thanks for replying and keep up the good work. I think the game maybe outgrowing me.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 12:57

Rich, I think you made the right choice for this game as he can sneak you a few chances you wouldnt get otherwise and when I play the game with Aguero as a straight TM without the SOS Newcastle often sneak the winner, so you did well and may have found a good slot for Aguero to play in.

Be interesting to see how it pans out in a home game if you choose to keep on playing him like that. Youve sort of made up your own unique tactic there.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:00

Rich@Birmingham wrote:
Would swapping Fellaini from DY to BW after going ahead improve the chances of a win? And/or taking Aguero off SOS?

moving Fellaini would reduce your attacking potency and increase your chances of preventing chances being created against you. Looking at the numbers I would have said youd be worse off moving Fellaini cos Mark doesnt play an AM he has a backfour, but Fellaini as DY gives you a front five and so an advantage there.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:06

Ross@Blackpool wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
Ross@Blackpool wrote:

Im not gettign at anyone in particular, they were just examples. Kleberson is over 30 and it hink you have done well to get 6m for him, the point was aimed at the values in the game not you.

I have a 23 year old CB playing in the prem and i cant sell him for 1m? The system rates him at 250k and he wont sell. Yet other players in the gme that are overpriced sell each week.

Im just saying something isnt right here.

Im gettign moaned at about my squad size each week and 5 of the 7 not playing are Transfer listed, plenty of sides that are unmanaged could do with my players and none of them are signing them cos they cost too much at 1m? Let me ask you this, when was the last player you signed in this game under 1m that strengthened your squad?

Hey Ross, I hear you.

If you have a premiership CB thats rated at only £1millions then you need to review him because it is the players CR that governs how much they are worth re their tribvals. If you successfully review the players you think are undervalued then you may get somewhere and raise some money.

If you dont have time to review these players then maybe some kind soul will help you out and do it for you.

Maybe you should be specific and list the details of the players you think are undervalued.

But you shouldn't be down beat as youre doing a great job there as it is VERY tough going in the lower leagues, that was the idea of running them.

Thanks paul. I think this is my issue now. Gonna need to make a decision i think. I dont have time for reviews, never have. Owning my own business unfortunatley is taking any life away and i appreciate you cant review every player in the game and i wouldnt expect anyone to do it for me.

Your post last week and week before about all the things the game takes into account made me realise what little time i actually spend on this now.

Im lucky because ina way its why i have been succesfull, i cant tamper with things so i get a settled side everywhere i go however that will only go so far.

Will see how things go over netx couple of weeks and make my mind up.

Thanks for replying and keep up the good work. I think the game maybe outgrowing me.

I appreciate the drawbacks of working for yourself Smile but its worth it in the end Smile I wouldn't want to lose you again though just because the game is too time consuming as you always make a good job of running your team.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:13

Blackpool have sold Haining, I didnt realise he was engaged to Michelle Marsh, she was worth reviewing for sure Smile
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:19

Blackpool have sold Billy Jones.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:20

Luis Garcia should be on everybody's transfer list this week and i'm sure somebody will want him for £3millions.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:27

Blackpool have sold Varney now ive included his winger positions alongside his striker one.

So I hope that helps out a bit. I'll keep an eye on the players you list and if I get time I'll try to make sure they are correctly reviewed, but only the players you list Smile
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:29

I do like having a manager in the lower leagues cos it helps me out as well cos it makes me look at whats happening down thereand I get some feedback, which I may not otherwise do. And sometimes what is happening down there is a good indicator of how well everything is working.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:38

Blackpool now have 5 players not playing, 2 new signings your excess Gk who will probably be sold next week and a couple of players you no longer need I guess. So youre back up to 95% squadeff which is better. Youve got £9million in the bank that youve wheeled and dealed to accumulate so that's not bad.

I would offer one further piece of advice. To increase your revenue streams I'd scrap the youth academy and the reserve team and incorporate your youth players into your reserve team, that would streamline your cashflow considerably as well as increase the youths team understanding and team spirit quicker. But just an idea cos your in a lower league and its easy to build another youth academy if you reach the upper leagues.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 13:42

I think thats everybody reviewed this week unless I missed somebody else ? shout if I did.

It's raining now ( smiley holding up an umbrella Evil or Very Mad ) but I'll be off to the post office in the next hour to post everything so you should get it soon.

Havent got very far with deconstructing the printouts yet but I am working on it.
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 14:33

Great work Paul.

Another insightful week Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 15:06

Didn't do chelsea but I'm prett sure it would have gone like this "turned up,kicked arse and went home"
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 20:09

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Charlton FAS5 50% 10 chancesto 5 9ontarget 7saved STsublime TMS2superb GKRBCLAMgood

signed Neil Taylor.

maybe Tom could give us some insight into why he has changed from SLO to FAS tactics ? esp as SLO seemed to be yielding good results incl a 4-1 tanking of Boro a couple of weeks ago. Manager insight is always a valuable feedback tool for me so the more the merrier really. Smile

Basically the change of tactics has come about because of my recent signing. Only being a small club struggling to get by in the championship the wage bill is a major concern.

For quite a while Becks has been the focal point of the team and SLO suited him perfectly. However, because of his age and the arrival of billy big boots, his time is coming to an end. I have a very thrifty chairman and he will only pay for one superstar at the club until the promised land is reached.

The team will now be built around Carlos and FAS seems to be the best option with minimum disruption.

Nothing to do with SLO, which I enjoyed and hard much success with but I have to think what is the best way of playing Carlos to his full potential. Going back to SLO is still an option with Jack, Hudds and Lucas.

Despite the tactics being opposite in terms of speed of build up, the players can be fairly similar between the two.

Last edited by Tom@Charlton on Thu 22 Mar - 20:23; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 20:15

Think I also fell into the trap of putting my TM on SOS.

Seems doing this, severely restricts the TM to a certain area of the pitch. Also now we are on the bigger pitch, that seems even less of a good idea.

Would be interested to see if it would have made a difference if I had not done this?

Any chance you could run a practice game Paul? No worries if not.
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PostSubject: Re: Week 10 processing...   Week 10 processing... - Page 22 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Mar - 22:08

Thanks Paul.

Just for the record, ever since joining this game back when i was 13 i have been hooked. Hooked so much that when i left last time i couldnt stay away from the forum. Once my business settles down im sure i will be ok, financially things are tough for everyone out there at the moment.

I will never leave the game without serious thought first as the next time i leave it will be for good. Im sure i will be around for a few seasons more, still have a big personal challenge to win something in this game.

I love the Blackpool job and it has helped my hunger with the game this season and am actually surprised at how my team is doing so well this year.

I also have to admit that there are some very good managers in this game that put a lot more time intot hings than i do but i suppose thats half the fun and challenge.
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