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Injuries Empty
PostSubject: Injuries   Injuries Icon_minitimeTue 4 Sep - 22:42

So this past season mesut ozil has got injured every other week and Manuel neuer as well to a lesser extent, I've used specialists and rested them but it keeps happening what am I missing? Help please.
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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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Injuries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Injuries   Injuries Icon_minitimeWed 5 Sep - 8:52

when are these injuries happening Jamie ?

during games ?

on the training pitch ?

or outside of football, like gardening accidents or car crashes etc ?
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Injuries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Injuries   Injuries Icon_minitimeWed 5 Sep - 10:56

Training but it's always ozil and neuer
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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings

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PostSubject: Re: Injuries   Injuries Icon_minitimeMon 10 Sep - 14:42

I think I mentioned this somewhere else but its to do with squad sizes, I think its currently 32 will be 25 for next season. too many players = training ground injuries. injuries are on a 5% chance and they system checks best player to worse player, so your good players are more likely to get injured.

but i will check the percentages to see if i can see why its always those 2 guys in your case, but you may just have been unlucky to get the same 2 injured more reg than anybody else. will check.
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