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 Season 33 Week 4 processing...

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Paul Hemmings
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Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 14:14

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Ben@Plymouth wrote:
Thanks Paul! Quick q on shirt sales - is there a reason why my Chairman at Plymouth is only ordering a few thousand shirts, compared to Chairman at Atletico who is ordering 70,000 a week? I’ve only sold 4% at Plymouth so should be lots of scope for sales!

This is quite a common question that I answer at least once a season.

If your sales top out the standing gets reduced drastically. If you then expand your fanbase the chairman will only increase the standing order to meet the new demand by a maximum of 1000. If that's not enough then you need to reset the amount using the OI special action code to compensate for the added demand. Chairmen are very cautious you dont have to be.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Paul!
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 14:20

Paul Hemmings wrote:
I've made the changes to player wages and recalculated your finances for the week and resent the turns.

Any issues let me know and I'll clear them up before the next turn.
Hi Paul,

With the new turn sent through, have the finances already been recalculated? Just noticed that Independiente’s financial statement is the same as in the original turn when wages were higher?


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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 14:25

Thanks for sorting all of that Paul.
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Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 14:34

Ben@Plymouth wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
I've made the changes to player wages and recalculated your finances for the week and resent the turns.

Any issues let me know and I'll clear them up before the next turn.
Hi Paul,

With the new turn sent through, have the finances already been recalculated? Just noticed that Independiente’s financial statement is the same as in the original turn when wages were higher?


Stop moaning, you’ve got too much money anyway lol
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 14:56

Paul Hemmings wrote:
Andy@Schalke wrote:

International Fixtures List
Same every season, so not printed out…
group stages
team 1 vs team 2 and team 3 vs team 4
team 4 vs team 1 and team 2 vs team 3
team 1 vs team 3 and team 2 vs team 4
winners of each group

winners of each semi-final

Need to know if I've got the correct U21 scout please.
According to above, I should be playing EIRU21, but I have ARGU21 scout...

I'm not having much luck with scouts of teams I'm supposed to be playing...

Group 2 schedule for this season is

ger-arg eir-den
den-ger arg-eir
ger-eir arg-den

My mistake on u21 fixtures and thanks for sorting wages - all good! Andy.
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 15:10

Paul Hemmings wrote:
I have also reduced the number of attitude 1 players on the database by re-introducing the 25 full international cap requirement before he becomes attitude 1.

I have removed attitude 2 requirements so we now only have attitudes 1 and 9.

Attitude 1 players need first18@70%.
Attitude 9 players need anyteam@70%.

Age still affects attitude so all under24s and all over29s will be attitude 9s.

This seems to better reflect squads in reallife but still gives you something to consider if you want to own 50 top class internationals in your team.

Thanks Paul, much appreciated you sorting this but not wanting to sound like Ben Laughing , I've just noticed my attitude 1s are still FIRST11 rather than FIRST18.

Sorry to be a pain....
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World Star - 99/99
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Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 15:17

Tom@Charlton wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
I have also reduced the number of attitude 1 players on the database by re-introducing the 25 full international cap requirement before he becomes attitude 1.

I have removed attitude 2 requirements so we now only have attitudes 1 and 9.

Attitude 1 players need first18@70%.
Attitude 9 players need anyteam@70%.

Age still affects attitude so all under24s and all over29s will be attitude 9s.

This seems to better reflect squads in reallife but still gives you something to consider if you want to own 50 top class internationals in your team.

Thanks Paul, much appreciated you sorting this but not wanting to sound like Ben Laughing , I've just noticed my attitude 1s are still FIRST11 rather than FIRST18.

Sorry to be a pain....
Paul said to me this would be fixed during the reset next week!
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul - 15:31

Ben@Plymouth wrote:
Tom@Charlton wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
I have also reduced the number of attitude 1 players on the database by re-introducing the 25 full international cap requirement before he becomes attitude 1.

I have removed attitude 2 requirements so we now only have attitudes 1 and 9.

Attitude 1 players need first18@70%.
Attitude 9 players need anyteam@70%.

Age still affects attitude so all under24s and all over29s will be attitude 9s.

This seems to better reflect squads in reallife but still gives you something to consider if you want to own 50 top class internationals in your team.

Thanks Paul, much appreciated you sorting this but not wanting to sound like Ben Laughing , I've just noticed my attitude 1s are still FIRST11 rather than FIRST18.

Sorry to be a pain....
Paul said to me this would be fixed during the reset next week!

Marvellous, makes sense I guess.  Thanks Ben, I take it all back.  I love you
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Season 33 Week 4 processing...   Season 33 Week 4 processing... - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSat 30 Jul - 19:45

Tom@Charlton wrote:
Paul Hemmings wrote:
I have also reduced the number of attitude 1 players on the database by re-introducing the 25 full international cap requirement before he becomes attitude 1.

I have removed attitude 2 requirements so we now only have attitudes 1 and 9.

Attitude 1 players need first18@70%.
Attitude 9 players need anyteam@70%.

Age still affects attitude so all under24s and all over29s will be attitude 9s.

This seems to better reflect squads in reallife but still gives you something to consider if you want to own 50 top class internationals in your team.

Thanks Paul, much appreciated you sorting this but not wanting to sound like Ben Laughing , I've just noticed my attitude 1s are still FIRST11 rather than FIRST18.

Sorry to be a pain....

I've checked and noticed I forgot to tell you that any superstar players will also be attitude 1 and that may cause you problems at £95,000. Superstars are immune from age protection and will expect to be first18 next week.
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