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 World cup prize money

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PostSubject: World cup prize money   World cup prize money Icon_minitimeTue 13 Apr - 13:23

Does anyone know what the prize money is for the world cup winners and runners up? Perhaps Iain & Henrik can help.

Last season I got £1M for failing to get out of the group stage with Ital in the International Tournament so a world cup final should be worth substantialy more.
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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PostSubject: Re: World cup prize money   World cup prize money Icon_minitimeTue 13 Apr - 14:07

10m i think for the winner and 5 for the runner-up. 2.5 for reaching the semi's and 1m in the group stage
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Premier League - 92/92
Premier League - 92/92

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PostSubject: Re: World cup prize money   World cup prize money Icon_minitimeTue 13 Apr - 21:22

think i got 20m for winning with spain last season
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PostSubject: Re: World cup prize money   World cup prize money Icon_minitimeWed 14 Apr - 20:50

Thanks Iain,

£20M That would be a MASSIVE sum to Bohemians, in fact that would be a seasons wages for Bohemians and an infrastructure building programe done and dusted, with money over for a decent young player or 3 !

Losing to a very, very good and well managed French side of Phil's would bring in half as much, £10M.

A mind boggling sum in fact, for tiny Bohemians and allow the club to really leap forward.
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World Star - 99/99
World Star - 99/99

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PostSubject: Re: World cup prize money   World cup prize money Icon_minitimeThu 15 Apr - 0:00

just make sure paul gives the money to bohemains and not to Lazio....
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