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Paul Hemmings
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 13:39

Revenue Streams 4 - Concerts

Some of you have never held a concert at your stadium, and you can do this up to three times a year, the incomes arent huge, depending on who you try to book at appear, but still worth a mention.

use the CONCERT dealing, the system sets the seat price and decides how many fans turn up and gives you any profit, you have to pay for a concert licence before each concert, upfront, so that will eat into your profits slightly, depending on who you book.

Incomes from concerts are decided on current popularity of bands/singers and there relevantness to your club, if there is any. Again reports can help me to decide on income levels from these events.
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 13:39

Noel Edmonds turned me down! Too busy on deal or no deal I presume?
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 13:40

Rich@Birmingham wrote:
Yeah I had Basil Fawlty as my hotel manager at United which led to utter chaos Very Happy

I love that and he's still there causing havoc, but occasionally creating a huge profit just from sheer luck.
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 13:40

If its good enough for Sir Alex its good enough for me, he went 87 games I think it was without selecting the same side in consecutive games!
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 13:40

Ben@Plymouth wrote:
Noel Edmonds turned me down! Too busy on deal or no deal I presume?

I wouldnt have him on my database...Smile
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 13:50

Revenue Streams 5 - Programmes, Hotdogs, Colas, lagers, Scarves and Shirts

Sundry revenues like the ones above are best optimised by increasing your fanbase and setting the sell price at the right level.

At this time prices are

programmes optimum £3 topprice £6

hotdogs optimum £4 topprice £5

cokes optimum £2 topprice £3

lagers optimum £2 topprice £4

carparking optimum £depends on location/club/div etc

lottery tickets optimum £1 topprice £1

scarves optimum £5 topprice £8

shirts optimum £39 topprice £49

Ive not reviewed these prices for ages so they may need reviewing but it gives you an idea of what you should be charging at this time.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 13:53

the other revenue streams are much more obvious and I dont think I need to mention things like TV income, Friendly match income, Gate Receipts, Cup Venue income or income from Season Tickets.
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World Star - 99/99
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 14:16

Paul, would you mind giving some general advice individual instructions, as it is something you have bought up in a couple of the club reviews? How best to use them, whether players over-ride them etc?
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 14:28

Basically the player commands do what they say on the tin, if you ask a player to ATT then he will endeavour to raise his willingness to attack to greedily from whatever it is on normally. You need to be careful how these commands interact with any tactics you choose, obviously ATT on a player who youve asked to play in a DEF formation would spoil the DEF tactics totally, so you need to be careful.

Also be aware that unhappy players can ignore your commands, anybody who is on poor morale will probably ignore your command, players on awful morale can even do exactly the opposite, but this is rare and depends on your managerial rating ( via transfers/signonfees/bonuses and payrises ) and their aggression ratings.

Some positions within some tactical systems have to be played in a set area of the field, for instance dont put FRA or DOR/DOL on your TM in the FAS tactic, and dont put DEF on your PM if you are playing ATT/EXT/ALL. things like that.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 14:30

Right i'm going to back everything up then take it all down to the post office for posting, wont be back until at least 4pm, maybe later depending on the size of the queue.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 16:06


I'm going to take a look at the SLO tactic as some of you have asked me about it.

There are three formations for the SLO tactic, they are



using one of these three formations should guarantee the system is played correctly, anything else and you are relying on your 'special' players to make it work.

The flow of SLO is basically ball possession and midfield probing, so defenders will try to find the PM or P2 , when they get the ball possession will pass out to the right to either the RH/DR he will then look to move forward by going past his marker, if he cant the ball will come back inside to the PM, he will then try to play a visionary pass into either the ST or CF if he cant then the ball goes left to the second PM, who will also look for a visionary pass, if he cant find one then the ball goes left again to either the LH/DL, who will try to gopast his marker, if he can he'll then cross into the CF, who will either head at goal or head down to the ST, or maybe setup the PMP2 for a SEB shot, if the LH/DL cant gopast his man the ball comes back inside to the right back to the PM and we start all over again. So its very much safe short passes, ball possession until somebody finds an opening and then try to capitalise. It does not create alot of chances for your side, if you like winning 1-0 then this is the system for you.

Last edited by Paul Hemmings on Wed 25 Jan - 17:04; edited 1 time in total
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 16:16


there are as few nuances Ive noticed happening which are quite interesting, if your PMs are very defensive then they tend to play deeper and are very much less likely to try for visionary passes when they have the ball, so you get more passing and less chances, and if you play with DYs instead of WHs then they dynamos will try to use the channels instead of the wings to gopast their men, which is much harder, and so again you get more passing and less chances.

nuance two is that you are more likely to concede goals from actual chances created by the opposition cos you have less defensive players on the pitch, so quite often you may concede a higher perc of goals to chances than you would do normally. The extra ball possession and the higher goal%chances should hopefully cancel each other out.

nuance three is that the 442 systems are quite poor against the FAS tactic where the opponent loads the centre of his attack with strikers and/or dynamoes and a target man, it just gets outnumbered too often to be effective. But is conversely stronger against other 442/424 systems like WHV/WIN/FLY etc, so its swings and roundabouts like most tactical systems.

nuance four , if you play dynamos in the winghalf positions and your dynamos are clever enough they will still play in the channels they dont often go out to the wide midfield positions like true winghalfs would.

So if you play LH PM P2 RH but select DY AM AM DY then you play a subtlely different game than if you select LH PM PM RH. If you play DYs in the winghalf slots and you want them to play as WHs then use the DOL and DOR commands to force them out wide.

Last edited by Paul Hemmings on Wed 25 Jan - 17:05; edited 4 times in total
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 16:19


slow defensive is a version of the SLO tactic that you can slip into from SLO when you feel the need, its very similar but increases ball possession even more, but even more at the expense of creating chances. This version brings the LB and RB into the flow of the ball as well, so increasing your short passes and hopefully your possession too. SLO and SLD come under the same tactical awareness umbrella, so any exp in SLO is transferred to SLD as well and visaversa.

Last edited by Paul Hemmings on Wed 25 Jan - 17:06; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 16:24

Thanks for this Paul, this is gold-dust in terms of what we should be looking for and really helps to increase awareness tactically.

Are there any other nuances you have noticed for some of the other major tactics we are all using: FLY, MIX, FAS (I think are the main ones currently being used?)
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 16:55


this tactical system has quite a few possible positional combinations to choose but they all rely on the Target Man to control the flow of play.




any of the above can substitute a BW for any of the central midfielders but all depend on the TM to setup the chances for either of the two strikers. You really need two mobile strikers for FAS to work best but it can also be used with just one ST.

The flow of FAS is straight up the middle, defence to anchormen, anchormen to targetman, then the targetman will try to setup either of the strikers or any of the dynamoes depending on their situations. The TM will also keep track of who is having a good game and favor them with the ball more often. If you dont play at least one anchorman then the TM has to retreat into midfield to get the ball or the defenders have to try to reach him with longballs.

FAS can be disrupted by placing an anchorman to manmark the opponents TM.

Last edited by Paul Hemmings on Wed 25 Jan - 19:02; edited 6 times in total
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Week 6 processing - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 17:07

This thread is amazing. Ive not been on here for a few days, self employed business is keeping me on my toes!

Great work Paul, really enjoyed reading this through. Happy with your comments about my Blackpool side, main problem i have is getting everyone settled. Happy Donovan scored at CF as i brought Malbranque back in this turn to TM. Still a long way to go but if i could get promoted this year it would be amazing but a very tough division.

Keep up the good work. Its roughly 18 years ago i joined this game and although i had a few years away im getting right back into this now.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 17:14

Ross@Blackpool wrote:
This thread is amazing. Ive not been on here for a few days, self employed business is keeping me on my toes!

Good to hear the business has taken off cheers
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 17:16


Mixed is a huge tactical bucket really but I'll give it ago at a proper definition.

You must use a playmaker, he is the guy that controls where the ball goes and it is he who will start off most of your moves, even if he isnt the one getting the assists.




this is the standard 442 version of MIX solid defensively, and flexible in attack, using the flanks to attack, and a good playmaker will also try to use his vision to play in the striker or centre forward if they can get free. The striker is more likely to get free cos he is more mobile. The Cf is more likely to be the target of any crosses.



this is the standard 451 version of MIX, better defensively but offering less numbers in attack, still using the flanks to attack. All the above formations are very similar to the WHV tactic but with WHV you dont rely on a playmaker, you rely on your winghalves.

With MIX the playmaker will look to pass out to the winghalves and also to play them in behind the defenders and so uses them more like dynamoes on occasion, it just depends on how good your playmaker is.

The winghalves will expect to defend as much as they attack in the MIX tactic and their willingness to attack/defend is adjusted accordingly.

MIX is very easy to disrupt by placing an anchorman to manmark the opponents playmaker.

Last edited by Paul Hemmings on Wed 25 Jan - 17:47; edited 3 times in total
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 17:38


This is the defensive version of MIX using a playmaker and anchorman/men to keep possession of the ball. Players willingness to defend is greatly increased whilst their willingness to attack is greatly reduced.



In this instance the playmaker will look to move the ball backwards and sideways across the midfield and defence in order to run down the clock and frustrate opponents. Great used late in the game when you are winning, but dont expect to create alot of chances. Some chances may still be fashioned thru longballs up to the CF/CFST.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 17:55


This is the offensive version of MIX using a playmaker and dynamo or an extra striker. Players have a heightened willingness to attack and a subdued willingness to defend.



With this sytem the winghalves bomb on and play more as wingers yet will still defend if they have to and if they are given time to get back, whilst the playmaker will look to find them on the outside, or play them into the channels, he will also look to use his vision to set up the strikers, similar to how targetmen do with the FAS tactic.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 17:57

You'll notice some overlap between MIX/DEF/ATT and some of the other tactical systems and the difference is that in MIX everything depends on the playmaker.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 17:59


These two versions of MIX each add an extra degree of willingness to every players willingness to attack, with EXT partially affecting the defence as well, and ALL affecting the defence as much as the midfield.
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Paul Hemmings
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 18:00

That's covered MIX in some sort of fashion but it is bigger still than this and bears alot of experimentation as different players can create different occurences all within the same MIX tactic. But try to keep it balanced, your playmaker will appreciate that. For instance play two fullbacks, play two winghalves, if you dont give him options the opposition will begin to read his options and win the ball more often.
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 19:32

excellent stuff, interesting i don't play any of those MIX positions but its doing ok at the mo.
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Jan - 20:41

This is all brilliant, learnt so much that I'm doing wrong or just not doing!

Much appreciated!

One of my issues is players on blank stamina!
What is the best wat to deal with this?
I've tried not playing people for a week and some times they come back next turn fully recovered but other times they are still on blank!
If I do leave players out on blank stamina then they are not playing so they moan about not playing n it effects squad morale!

Is there a solution to this? Do I just play players on blank stamina?
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PostSubject: Re: Week 6 processing   Week 6 processing - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 26 Jan - 0:24

Best thread in along time, great read and even playing the game for what seems a life time I'm still learning
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