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 A question about Car Parks

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A question about Car Parks Empty
PostSubject: A question about Car Parks   A question about Car Parks Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan - 11:50

just noticed this week.

my car park is now costing me 50k a week.

Even if i was to fill it on a matchday its capacity is 6k,therefor i sell for £6 per ticket, the most i can make is 36k,

making a matchday loss of 14k ?

surely it isn that expensive to run a carpark, one bloke to take the money, couple of security gaurds to look after the cars during the game

so thats 3 lots of minimum wage plus ill chuck a few rounds of bovril to keep them warm cant be anymore than 150 quid cost per game.

costing £50,000 per game i think i must have a security gaurd for every car and serving each with their own bottle of 15 year old oak aged Macallan whiskey

im sure we used to make money on this particular building?
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A question about Car Parks Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Car Parks   A question about Car Parks Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan - 20:59

Yes mate, car parks were profitable for me too..

Will check out what happens with mine next week. Although, weren't you away last week too? Surely it won't make a profit without a home game?
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A question about Car Parks Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Car Parks   A question about Car Parks Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan - 21:36

Even if Im at home and sell out the car park it only holds 6k

I charge £6 per car the very most it can make if I'm at home and sell it out is 36k

But it's costing me 50k every week
So on a home week I lose 14k and on a away week i lose 50k
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A question about Car Parks Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Car Parks   A question about Car Parks Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan - 22:36

I demolished mine this week. Can't have buildings losing money, I lose enough as it is.
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A question about Car Parks Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Car Parks   A question about Car Parks Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan - 9:41

It does boost attendance though doesn't it?, so in theory, if you don't have lose (not loose, Will).. The capacity of the car park in ticket sales for the game?
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A question about Car Parks Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Car Parks   A question about Car Parks Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan - 10:22

It's going this turn, to get it working I now need to invest a million squid into it aswel for equipment

Dont think it's worth it now
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World Star - 99/99
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A question about Car Parks Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Car Parks   A question about Car Parks Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan - 11:19

Just did the same at Boca. Not worth it.
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